Health and Safety at Work (1974)

Health and Safety at Work (1974)

This legislation forms the basis for British Health and Safety Law.

It details the gerneral duties that:

  • An Employer has to their Employees
  • An Employer has to members of the public
  • That staff have to themselves and others in the work environment

It places the Employer in position of using management and common sense to examine risks and hazards and work to minimise them.

Risk Assesments should be undertaken and if more than 5 people are employed then the significant assessments should be kept.

HSE provide a 5 steps to risk assessment leaflet found here.

These are:

  • make arrangements for implementing the health and safety measures identified as necessary by the risk assessment;
  • appoint competent people (often themselves or company colleagues) to help them to implement the arrangements;
  • set up emergency procedures;
  • provide clear information and training to employees;
  • work together with other employers sharing the same workplace.